8 Million Illegals to Continue Living Freely in U.S. Despite Awaiting Deportation: Report

Illegal Immigrants
by Eric Lendrum


A federal report projects that there will be over 8 million illegal aliens living in the United States, free to roam and do as they please, despite currently awaiting deportation proceedings by the end of 2024.

As reported by Breitbart, this will result in a tripling of the number of non-detained illegals who otherwise would be detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) as they prepare for deportation. By the end of Fiscal Year 2023, there were at least 6.2 million illegals living in the U.S. who had not been detained by ICE despite facing deportation; 1.3 million of these illegals had already been given final deportation orders by federal judges.

The new internal federal records, obtained by Axios, indicate that ICE will see that number explode to over 8 million by the end of 2024. For comparison, the number in 2020 was roughly one-third of that amount, at just 3.2 million.

The rise in non-detained illegals is a result of Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas’ decision to implement a program called “Release and Reporting Management” (RRM), which simply asks the illegals in question to make annual “check-ins” with ICE after they are first released from custody. The vast majority of illegals do not honor such agreements and simply disappear into the country’s interior.

Mayorkas also intends to roll out a new program called the ICE Secure Docket Card Program, which would give photo ID cards to every illegal alien after they are released. These IDs would then be used to gain access to taxpayer-funded benefits through ICE’s Case Management Pilot Program.

The backlash against Mayorkas’ handling of the border led to him being impeached by the House of Representatives in February, making him only the second Cabinet secretary in American history to be impeached, and the first to be impeached in 148 years.

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Eric Lendrum reports for American Greatness.
Photo “Illegal Immigrants” by John Modlin.






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